Well-Life Services
Wellness Management, Individual skill Development, Certified Peer Specialist, Mentorship, Therapeutic art, yoga, mindfulness, meditation,, and more.
Jonathan Talberg

Jonathan Talberg
Menomonie, WI
Individual Skills, Wellness, Therapeutic Art and Music
Willing to travel up to 60 minutes from home base.
Service Arrays: Individual Skills Development, Wellness Management a
Hello! I am an educator, artist, and musician committed to providing a helpful, personalized service for clients. I am a multi-faceted individual, as we all our in the deepest sense. My aim in my own life is to develop and let bloom each aspect of myself, from the intellectual to the spiritual to the athletic. As a mentor, I strive to facilitate this kind of growth for my clients as well. Often, taking up and developing the light of a passion, however small to start, has an amazing effect on overall well-being and contentment.
I am an abstract painter and visual artist. My approach to the visual arts is, in a sense, non-technical—I believe anyone can paint, that ‘artistic talent’ is less important than the will to create from one’s own inner authenticity. The best paintings aren’t those that are the most technical or realistic, but those which breathe with the creative spirit of the artist that made them. This means that developing our own inner authenticity can enable us to do great things, make beautiful paintings and expressive drawings and striking films. If a client is interested in exploring their creativity, I am happy to help and create alongside of them.
Another important aspect of wellbeing is physical activity. Friendly athletic competition can be a healing force, and a great tool for fostering a new state of mind. Hiking and other outdoor activities can also be hugely beneficial for mindfulness, well-being, and overall life enjoyment. I work with clients to find an enjoyable and beneficial physical outlet, and I’m always enthusiastic about playing a pickup game of basketball or hiking a good trail.
Ultimately, I aim to help clients find their own avenue for self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-growth. We are all our own individuals, so this can look very different for different people. It is so rewarding to see clients start down a path forward, whatever that looks like for them.